3 books you need to read when running a creative side hustle.

May 10, 2023

You know when you're just starting out and you're trying to take in all of the free information your brain can possibly handle?

And you realize some of it wasn't worthy of your time to consume?  Me too, because I've been there and I've sifted through the information that is worthy of your time to consume.

The books I'm about to share with you, I simply cannot recommend them enough.  They have changed the way I do business and I literally tell everyone (especially when they're just starting their creative side hustle journey) to read these books.  They're still absolutely helpful if you're a few years in though.  My only regret is that I didn't read them sooner!

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

Many creatives don't think about this part of the equation when turning your hobby into a side hustle.  You are getting a steady income from your 9-5 after all so thinking about paying yourself from your side gig can easily become an afterthought.

Profit First breaks down what you should be doing with your $$$ to run a profitable business.  When it comes in and where it goes out.  Now the author recommends more accounts than I choose to use but I still think you should read the entire book to get a good base of knowledge and to help customize your own financials in a way that works for you.

The accounts I choose to use:

  • Income (all incoming $$$ and the account I spend from)
  • Taxes (save a % for tax time)
  • Profits (put a % in here to pay myself monthly)

In the Flo by Alisa Vitti

This book is at the TOP of my list for life changing books.  Like I wish it had been required in school.  Literally any female with a cycle needs to read this book to tap into the advantages their body already holds in my opinion.  

There are phases of your cycle when you're wired to want to do certain types of tasks more than others.  You may noticed times of the month where you want to deep clean more, or get organized, or purge, or be creative, do your finances, or have endless amounts of energy to work on projects.  Well I'm here to tell you if you have a cycle there's something bigger at work and you can tap into for your advantage so that you're not fighting to get the "wrong" tasks done at the "wrong" time of the month.

How I use this book....

I make a master list of ALL of the things that I need to get done and break it down into categories or phases of my cycle that they fit into per In the Flo.  They I sync up those task with what phase of my cycle I'm in and magically tasks start to effortlessly get done.

I literally swear by this book and think you will too after you read it.  You'll also be sharing it with all of your lady friends and raving about how great it is I bet.

Ask by Ryan Levesque

I know as creatives we want to be creative and just make things for the sake of making.  But....if you really want to have a creative side hustle that's making you money...you need to be making and selling products that people actually will buy and products that solve a problem that your ideal customer has.  Ask walks you through how to approach and attack that thought process and is a pretty quick read.

There ya have it!

My top 3 books to read when starting a creative side hustle should be in your cart now ;).  I'm excited for you to add them to your reading list and dive into them.  I'd love to hear what you think of them.  Be sure to tag me @makeyourmarklabs on social so I can chat with you even further on these books.

You can check them all out here (my Amazon storefront).  Until next time!

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