How to setup your creative environment for success

May 22, 2023

If you're like me, it's hard to stay organized when you have a creative brain.

I grew up with a grandma who's sewing room (to me) was a jungle of craft supplies and fabric.  A mom who's sewing room was filled with a mountain range of fabric.  Then my creative space started to follow suite and look like a mix of the two.

Well, the problem is (that I've realized over the years) is that while we as creatives know exactly where everything is between the mounds of creative supplies.  We do waste A LOT of time getting to the materials we need.  We spend so much time just getting to what we need, rather than being able to easily access it.

Once I turned my craftiness into an actual small business, I needed to optimize my time and overhaul my creative space.  Why it by no means is a Pinterest worthy space (wouldn't that be nice?).  It's extremely functional and gets the job done.

Dividing your workspace into zones.

I finally took the time and money to organize my workspace.  I decided to divide into steps of my batch working process.

Here is the breakdown of zones:

  • raw material storage (each type has its own container/spot)
  • prepped products for making (i.e., cut fabric for me)
  • products in progress (in the making process)
  • finished products
  • creation zones (i.e., sewing machine, worktable, etc.)
  • space for personal materials & projects
  • shipping station
  • office area (papers/office supplies)

Organize each zone.

This is where I invested some serious cash and added pieces here and there, year by year.  My creative space is an odd space in our home.  It's two tiny rooms that are connected that really didn't serve a purpose.  They're not big enough for a bedroom and have a wall dividing them.  I have my zones split up between the two rooms.

Stock room:

  • raw materials (large)
  • finished products
  • floor to ceiling shelving for storage
  • worktable
  • shipping station
  • office area

Sewing room:

  • sewing machine
  • ironing board
  • raw materials (small)
  • personal materials and projects
  • wall calendar

It by no means is fancy but it works for me.  I could definitely do some re-working of this space but I'm currently not investing into that so it will keep and wait until I have designated cash flow for a revamp.

Where I've invested:

  • pallet racking/shelving
  • cubbies for raw materials
  • heavy duty plastic utility totes (large raw materials & finished products)
  • small clear bins (small raw materials)

Keeping it organized.

I'll be honest, this is where I still struggle a bit.  B everything having a home, it's not as overwhelming to pick up when things start to get out of control.  I try to pick up my space at the end of each creation session.  But life happens & sometimes it gets a little out of hand.  So, to regain control I set my little timer cube for 30 minutes and do a quick power clean to get it back in order.

I hope you find my workspace organization breakdown useful and are able to apply some of these concepts to your space to help you stay organized.  This will help you spend time creating instead of being stalled by the feeling of overwhelm.  Remember you don't need a Pinterest worthy space for it to be functional for you.  And don't feel bad if your space currently lacks organization.  You are wired to be creative and that's where your energy naturally flows.  It's ok!

If you need a little extra help staying organized.  You can download my free side hustler's to-do list here.

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