How to get your creative juices flowing again

Jun 03, 2023

Do you ever feel like you've hit a wall?  When you just can't come up with your next "it" product?  We've all been there, and it's no fun.  Luckily for you, I have a few tips to help you jump start your engine and get your creative juices flowing again.

Put your work away.

Seriously, take a break from your side hustle work.  You might need a weekend, a week, or a month away from your biz.  A lot of times we get so deep into our work and side hustlin' that we forget to come up for air.

I'm not sure what exactly it is, but taking a step back always gives my brain the break it needs.  And when I do come back to the work I have some of my best ideas and they're free flowing, not forced.

Giving your subconscious space to flourish really lets your natural talents and creativity soar.

10 things I do for a break:

  1. Go for a walk without my phone-get quiet (unless you need it with you for safety reasons, but keep it in your pocket).
  2. Read a book for fun-not a self help or business book.
  3. Make something just for fun.  For yourself or for a gift.  Try a new craft out even.
  4. Drink your morning coffee or favorite beverage outside in the fresh air.
  5. Work out.
  6. Go out to dinner with friends you haven't seen in a while.
  7. Go for a drive and turn your favorite music on.
  8. Call or visit your parents or grandparents if you're lucky enough to have them around.
  9. Go shopping for fun, just to look-no errand type shopping.
  10. Plan an actual vacation, even it's an Air BnB for the weekend.

Remember what you used to do for fun...

you know before you started side hustlin'.  Go do those things again! 

When you run a creative side hustle it can easily creep into all cervices of your spare time if you let it.  It can push out all of the things you used to do during your free time.

Try to be conscious of this and continue to fill your free time with ALL of the things you love, not just more work.

Look for inspiration outside of your niche

I've said this over and over can't be following like accounts, makers, artists on social media and Pinterest and expect to stand out from the crowd and have original ideas come your way.

Creativity does not come from copying others.

You need to dive into your own genius and God given talents to show your unique gifts to the world.  If you're looking for inspiration look for it in all the other areas of life you enjoy.  For example, these are the types of accounts I follow: gardening, cabins, Up North, nature, travel, interior design, Scandanavian design, German homes, etc.  None of them are making what I'm making or doing what I'm doing. They inspire me to create a line that looks, feels, and portrays what I'm envisioning for my products without re-creating what someone else is already doing.

If you're still feeling like you're in a creativity rut try a few of these tips to help get you going again.  You can also download my free guide 'Starting from Scratch' to help you dream up your next product!

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