How to figure out what skill or hobby you should start your side hustle with

Mar 30, 2023

Have you ever had a dream to turn your hobby into a side hustle?

Or a dream to start a side gig but you happen to have too many hobbies to choose from and don’t know where to start since you couldn’t possibly start a small business with ALL of them? I totally get it, I’ve been there too. As a serial crafter myself with too many hobbies to count I know how you feel. I have managed to dial in on a craft that helped me grow a successful side hustle. Here are the 5 questions I want you to ask yourself when starting up your side hustle. These will help you determine what skill(s) or craft(s) you should use to when just starting out. These questions will help guide you to FINALLY make a decision on what exactly it is you’ll be doing to move your dreams of having a side hustle forward.

What are you good at?

I have a hunch that if you’re reading this blog, you have some sort of skill, craft or hobby that you’re currently doing. And you’re actually probably fairly good at it too. You may even have more than one! If you’re struggling with this, ask your friends and family. I bet they have some input to give you on what you’re good at!

What creative thing are you doing that is different from everyone else?

Here’s the thing, when starting your side hustle, you want to be uniquely you. All too often I see new makers trying to make the same old thing as everyone else. They then get frustrated that they aren’t seeing amazing results(sales) like they thought they would have, and they throw in the towel. Take a minute to think about what exactly you can do-that’s the secret sauce you have to offer! Maybe it’s combining 2 or more of your skills (if you have more than one). Whatever it is I want you to get creative here and think outside the box!

Have you already been paid for your creative work?

If your answer is yes, first of all, that’s amazing! You’re already on track for side hustle success. Getting cash in your hands for the work you’re already putting out there is a great sign that you’re ready for a creative side hustle. Money talks!

I also want you to take note of what people have been buying from you. Is there a common theme or products you can turn into a product line?

Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency…

What are you most efficient at creating or could get more efficient at? This is an important questions because I want you to have ACTUAL profit marking (aka $$$) in your side hustle from the very beginning. You should be making and selling products that you can produce in a reasonable amount of time.

What keeps you up at night?

What is the thing that lights you up, the thing you’re always passionately talking about, the projects that you consistently are dreaming up? You want to go with something that you’re passionate about and won’t get sick of. When you have a successful side hustle, you’ll be creating more than one item, so this is a key question to consider.

Did you have an answer to 2 or more of these key questions? It’s likely that you can run a side hustle with your current craft, hobby or skill set. You should also know that your side hustle can (and most likely will) change and grow over the years. Mine sure has! It’s not set in concrete what you decide to start with. The biggest thing is just starting! I’m so excited to see what you create!

If you’re feeling excited and like you have an idea for starting a side hustle, make sure you download my free ‘Ultimate Guide to Selling at Markets’ here!

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