5 reasons you should be selling your handmade goods at a market, & not online.

Mar 30, 2023

In a world where everything has become digital, do you find yourself overwhelmed by the thought of selling your handmade good online?

From product photography, to writing compelling product descriptions, to choosing an e-commerce platform (why are there so many options!?) to processing fees, it’s A LOT to think about and take on, let alone to do all of that & hear crickets.

Trust me, I’ve been there, and it sucks. If all of this overwhelms you too this is why selling your handmade products at a good ole’ fashioned market is a fantastic idea. Let’s dive into why selling at a market is a great idea for you and your current bandwidth!

No social media algorithms to battle.

You can’t argue with me on this one…

Now that social media has been around for a while (it’s gotta be close to 2 decades-excuse me while I go cry for a minute that time is flying by that fast) you’ve likely noticed how quickly the platforms change and how many new trends you’re seeing that you feel like you hop on just for a chance to be seen. So instead of wasting hours going down the rabbit hole of trying to find the newest trending audio or throwing your back out while re-creating the latest and hottest dance moves, you could instead be putting your time and energy into selling at markets. Which in turn will drive better results for you than 2 likes & a heart emoji from your favorite aunt.

No I.T. degree needed.

When trying to navigate an e-commerce platform it may feel like you need a master’s or doctorate degree in some tech program to figure out how to set up your new website, let alone get and manage sales.

If you want to sell at a market the only tech know how you need is to fill out an application online (some still do paper, but the majority are moving to digital applications) and how to run your card processor. That sounds a lot easier than building a website to me!

Are you a photographer?

No? Me either!

That’s exactly why I love selling at markets. I don’t need to spend hours reading blogs that I’ve found on Pinterest. Try to figure their free tips, only to still have grainy dark product photos that really don’t highlight your products well. You don’t have to figure out how to use the photo editing pre-set your purchased from the latest influencer that really isn’t as easy to use as they made it out to be. You may think I’m taking the thoughts right out of your head right now. It’s because I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve spent countless hours trying to perfect product photography only to have it not perform, countless $$$ on photo editing pre-sets only to have my images still look like garbage, and money to have a photographer take good photos only to have the images outdated as soon as that product sold out. Photography is a huge reason why I love selling at markets over e-commerce and can be a great option for you too if photography is a pain point.

The people!

Let me tell you firsthand, there is NOTHING better than finding the markets your ideal customers flock to (with their husband’s wallets) and interacting with them directly. The conversations had, the sales, the atmosphere truly is magical and cannot be replicated elsewhere.

Not only do the customers create unforgettable experiences at those special markets, so do your fellow vendors and market staff. They are your hype people. The ones that you want on the field with you cheering you on. When you’re not physically present with these people you definitely will crave it once you’ve had it.

Instant reviews

The real time instant feedback you receive when selling at a market is pure gold. If you open your eyes and ears and truly listen, you’ll immediately find out what’s working, what's not, and what could be better. If you’ve ever sold online, you know how hard it is to get feedback from customers, let alone have them leave a review. I honestly wouldn’t have the successful handmade biz I have today without the feedback I receive while selling at markets.

Now that you know…

why you should be selling your handmade goods at markets I hope this blog leaves you excited to get out there and sign up for an event. While yes doing a market is work, so is any other avenue of selling your products. Markets can be a very realistic way of getting your brand and products into the world. Whether it’s the fact that you don’t have to fight social media algorithms, you don’t need an I.T. degree to navigate the waters, or that you don’t need to be a professional photographer getting magazine spread quality images. Or that you’re excited for the customer interactions or ready for instant feedback (or frankly if it’s all of them) that intrigue you about selling at markets. Know that I’m on the field with you cheering you on to make your dreams of having a successful side hustle a reality (you can consider me your personal cheerleader).

If you’re ready to take the next step and sell your products at a market don’t miss out on my free ‘Ultimate Guide to Selling at Markets’ here!

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