4 Things You'd Never Guess Selling Your Handmade Goods at Markets Can Do For You
Apr 23, 2023Have you ever wished you could have a little extra cash injection in your life?
Meet your financial goals sooner? Or have a little (or a lot) more fulfillment in your career? If you answered yes to any of these questions, me too!!! That's why I love to have the option to sell my handmade goods at markets. I'm going to share with you some of the great thing's markets have done for me that might get you excited to sign up for your next event.
Pay off your student loans early!
I know those pesky student loan payments can be a burden (coming from a girl who had private college loan debt) and that you're usually in it for the long game. But, by putting a little extra elbow grease into starting a side hustle and selling at markets you can shave times off those payment plans. Selling at markets allowed me to pay off my private college loans before I hit 30.
Fund trips & vacations.
Are you dreaming of a long weekend getaway to a cozy and modern Air BnB? Or a trip to the beach to soak up the sun? Or a spring break vacation to the mountains to catch some fresh powder?
Once I paid off my student loans, I started using my profits from selling at markets as fun money to fund our vacations, big and small! I set aside a portion of my profits until we had enough to travel somewhere and away, we went! You can even turn a market into a fun getaway. Book a few extra nights and go a little further from home and voila, you have a little getaway!
Meet your people.
I have made some lifelong friends and connections while being a vendor at markets. My ride or dies. The ones who get the side hustle life. While we all may have a different reason for being there. Your maker friends are the ones who get it and get you. They are an addition to your life you didn't know you needed, and you are to theirs. Every maker has a different background and brings their own set of creative, life and business skills to the table. So don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with fellow vendors at markets.
Fuel your desire for more out of life...
Do you sometimes feel like something is missing at your current job? You notice that you are there to punch the clock and collect a paycheck? Do you have the desire to start a small creative biz but don't want to drop everything to do so? Well, having a creative side hustle is a great solution to both problems. It allows you to create without boundaries from a boss or team. You get to call the shots. It also allows you to be proud of what you've created, and you can call it 100% yours without fear of what your boss or team has to say about it.
You may even enjoy the taste of entrepreneurship so much that it unlocks the next life chapter for you!
There you have it!
Whether it's the extra $$$ that's appealing to you, the meeting new people that get and understand you, or the freedom to create what you feel called to. I hope you see the things that selling at markets can do for you. I've experienced so many unexpected blessings from my creative side hustle and I want you to experience that joy as well! If you're feeling inspired be sure to download my free guide to selling at markets below!
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