10 Places to Sell your Handmade Products

Aug 09, 2024

Have you ever struggled with figuring out where to sell your handmade goods at?  You've put the hard work into building up your inventory, but you're left wondering where you can sell it all.  I'm going to share with you 10 places you can sell your products at.  You be able to decide which one(s) would be a good fit for you and your products by the end of this blog post so that you can apply for your next event!

Online vs In-Person

I'll be straightforward with you.  I'm team in-person selling...for many reasons.  First off, it's an easier entry point.  Selling online has all of the tech behind it, but you're also responsible for figuring out how to bring people to your products which can leave you feeling extremely defeated after all of your hard work and you hear crickets.  While I do both, I lovvvveee a good in person event to sell at.  Unless you're already an influencer with tons of followers waiting to buy from you, I highly suggest ditching the online selling for now (you can always tackle it later).

More than just a high school gymnasium craft fair...

Don't get me wrong.  I started selling at high school craft shows and my products at that point in time absolutely fit those shows and I did really well.  But as the years went on and my products evolved, they didn't fit the bill for the typical fluorescent lit gym filled with vendors.  Luckily for you if your current product lineup doesn't fit into that either there are so many options out there so let's dive in!

Craft Fair & Craft Shows

I know we just talked about craft shows but they are an easy entry point in the beginning and may work really well for you so don't write them off completely until you've tried a few!


When I first started, I popped up everywhere and anywhere that would allow it.  Now I choose to pop-up at a few places that draw in my ideal customer.  You can pop-up literally anywhere though.  Reach out to your local coffee shops, breweries, retail stores, boutiques, studios, you name it!  Make sure you're a good guest and bring treats and send a thank you afterwards as well.

Artisan Markets

To me this is the new term for 'craft shows' so make sure you do your research ahead of time before applying.  Many traditional craft shows are using this terminology along with more modern markets.  In my opinion an artisan market requires you to be on your A-game and have a well branded booth and clear product line.  Less 'crafty'.

Farmer's Markets

Are not only limited to food vendors.  Someone will allow product vendors as well!  They can be a nice entry point for beginners and those who have less time to do events or want to fit a quick show in.  There are more options for markets and the hours are typically condensed.

Art Fairs-Shows-Festivals

Art shows are typically heavily juried and require your work to be more in the fine arts category.  Though I've seen some makers who fall into that category as well as your typical markets.  Large longstanding art festivals can draw large crowds and customers who are looking for unique pieces that speak to them.  Vendor fees can also be a bit spendy though so be sure to do your research on the crowd they draw before applying.


Have you ever seen the 35th annual Grape Stomp, Rhubarb Festival, Blueberry Festival, Oktoberfest, Fiber Fest, Cranberry Days, etc?  These again are typically longstanding large events and can be a great option to apply to.  Music festivals are another option to look in to.  Pretty much if there's a thing there's probably a festival for it somewhere!


I've seen some vendors swear by conventions.  They usually cost a pretty penny in vendor fees but can also deliver you a very niche customer.  When done right they have great potential.


There are many kinds of expos, and they typically have vendors that align with the theme of the exhibition.  These booths can also be more spendy than your typical market but can also bring a highly niched customer to your products.

Trade Shows

If you want to sell wholesale direct to retailers this is where you'll find them.  There are trade shows available for every single type of item you'll find in a retail store and are hosted across the country.  They are very spendy and are for businesses who have all of their ducks in a row and are ready to scale.  You'll have mere seconds to make an impression on retails to capture a wholesale order so you'll need to know your numbers, sourcing, and production timelines inside and out.

There is no right or wrong answer...

Oftentimes I see newer vendors asking more seasoned vendors which shows are good.  This may surprise you (or it may not) but that's the wrong way to go about looking for events to apply to.  A show may be killer for another vendor and a dud for you even if you have your products and booth on point.  You need to do the work to figure out exactly who your customer is and where they shop so that you can get in front of them.

I hope you found my list of events to sell at inspiring and has your wheels turning of where you can look to apply to in the future.

Feel like your market life could use a little something?

Check out my free guide to selling at Artisan Markets HERE!


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